Solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) foot - passive keel The SACH foot with passive keel is the most basic type of foot....
Solid ankle cushion heel (SACH) foot - dynamic keel Building on the basics of the SACH foot, a dynamic keel adds function....
Auckland Centre 7 Horopito Street, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024, New Zealand Freephone 0508 630 630 Email
Hamilton Centre 222 Pembroke Street, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton 3204, New Zealand Freephone 0508 838 838 Email
Tauranga Centre 160 Fraser Street, Tauranga South, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand Freephone 0508 434 434 Email
Wellington Centre 42-46 Mein Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021, New Zealand Freephone 0508 389 389 Email
Christchurch Centre 330 Burwood Road, Burwood, Christchurch 8083, New Zealand Freephone 0508 383 383 Email
Dunedin Centre 464 Cumberland Street, Central Dunedin, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand Freephone 0508 474 474 Email